HW on the ‘Net

The main Healingwoman website is at http://www.healingwoman.net. It features materials and links to organizations that can help you learn about medical conditions, grow in the skills that help you communicate effectively with doctors and other healthcare providers, work- or schoolmates, and society at large.

Our hope is to promote healing from within, so each person can find the balance for body, mind, and spirit that allows them to live each day to the fullest. All text materials, including lessons in patient advocacy skills and checklists for record keeping, are free for personal use. 

Healingwoman is on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Healingwomannet/134963366558247

We have begun making simple videos with Elizabeth reading her essays; the video consists of photos related to the individual piece. There is now a healingwoman channel on Youtube. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasV0eJmNCO6d_UTaKvo1jg.

Follow us in whatever ways are most convenient for you, and help us grow as a community.

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