Monthly Archives: September 2017

Spirit/Essay. The Perfect Vision of Blindness.

I thought I had good vision with glasses, but I did not see clearly until I saw through the eyes of a friend who is blind. One day I looked in the mirror at a middle-aged woman with pasty complexion, … Continue reading

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Spirit/ Essay. The unexpected blessing.

I wasn’t lonely, but I thought I was alone. Then I realized I had unexpected company and was blessed. I haven’t been out much this summer because of mobility and balance issues, plus my blood pressure just doesn’t stay up … Continue reading

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Spirit/ Essay. The Journey Home.

Autumn is here. The sun was warm in the yard, but the breeze was soft and cool. The dogs chased balls without panting, without tiring. In an earlier time, before we had dogs and a child, we often handled holidays … Continue reading

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