Monthly Archives: September 2011

Essay. Remembrance.

I have missed my dad greatly recently, the high school history teacher who said he wanted one last chance to help kids develop the ability to think for themselves before they became adults. I remember him once trapping a spider … Continue reading

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Essay. Lessons from Doomsday

Sometimes you find a book. Sometimes one finds you. My husband pressed me to read The Doomsday Book after he had listened the audio version. The novel’s premise is seductive for anyone interested in history: It is Christmas season, 2054, Oxford … Continue reading

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Essay. Unexpected moments.

On a day in spring 2010 I drove into Boston for a hospital volunteer health check and to see a doctor of mine. After two appointments I was tired, the day was very warm, and I was hungry. After paying … Continue reading

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Article. Grief.

The price of attachment and love is loss and grief, yet we heal from grief through love. Perhaps these emotions are as much the circle of life as the physical events of birth, marriage or partnership, and death. Grief is … Continue reading

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Thought for the Day. Update on “What matters most.”

Thank you to all of the people who told me that this essay (published January 2011) resonated with you. Several have asked me where to get the cloth banner that inspired the essay. The shop where I bought it no … Continue reading

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Personal Health Log. Riding out the storm II.

Yesterday was rainy, damp, and cool with a gray sky and no sign the sun existed. Even if I were not depressed, I would have wanted to stay in bed. However, I have two dogs who believe they have a … Continue reading

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Personal health log. Riding out the storm I

Hurricane Irene swept through last week, although she was downgraded to a tropical storm before hitting us. Nonetheless, there was a lot of rain and periodic gusts of wind that whistled through the windows and sent the dogs under the … Continue reading

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Thought for the Day

Peace does not depend on external conditions being right. Peace comes when you achieve balance within, even if it is only for a moment.

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