Monthly Archives: November 2016

Health Article. Distinctions in Dogs and Other Animals who Work in Public.

Animals can have public roles as well as being part of their family at home. The ways in which dogs (as well as the occasional cat, rabbit, pig, or miniature horse) serve are increasing. That makes education increasingly important. Because … Continue reading

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Essay. My Life in Pets. VIII. Tucket, and What he Taught Me.

Today’s calendar saying states the best way to feel better is to help others. Another quoted Robert Frost on difficult times: “The best way out is through.” Both are true. Tucket taught me. I wanted to be a doctor and … Continue reading

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Essay. My Life in Pets VII. Tucket, the Little Brown Boy.

I got my first dog, Teddy, to make my husband happy. We got Lily when Teddy became ill and I was terrified of being dogless. Tucket was to provide support and stability after Teddy’s death to help our young son … Continue reading

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Patient Advocacy. Disability and Public Safety II. Communicating Effectively.

Communication relies on reception of another person’s language (to hear or lipread), ability to understand the content of what is said, and two additional steps. The person expected to reply must be able to form a reply mentally and then … Continue reading

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Essay. The Table. A Child’s Memory Understood 50 years Later.

When I was little, I attended a supper served family style to people seated along three very long tables. I remember my mother and grandmother, but it must not have been for ladies only because the person I remember most … Continue reading

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Essay. My Life in Pets VI. Lily and Dying.

I wrote about Lily’s vibrancy in my last post, and she was vibrant up to the moment she died. I know because I spent that long day with her, including that final moment. How do I describe what cannot be … Continue reading

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Essay. The Bed-Rail Lesson.

Sometimes all that matters is inside. More often, we find strength and purpose by focusing on what is outside. I can review the last 20 years and mentally mark the years I was hospitalized at least once and the smaller … Continue reading

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